Thursday, June 24, 2010

Time to Deal

I guess I haven't done the best job in the world keeping up with my blog. But considering I began a joint effort Blog yesterday it reminded me i had abandoned this one and it is high time I get back to it.
There have been many life changes in the past 5 months. The largest of which is the fact that my marriage dissolved. What a horrible way to put it. My ex husband is one of the best guys I know, but unfortunately it just wasn't right. So here I am single-ish in LA. I am 28 years old and have no idea what it is like to be alone. So what have I don't for the past couple of months to deal? Nothing. I think I was going through stage 1 --denial. I basically kept myself so busy with friends and outings that I was unable to think about anything. But now it is time. Time to deal.
I came to this startling realization because my body decided to go on strike. I guess I thought I was handling everything. Emotionally I felt fine, mentally I felt fine. Then I got a "stomach virus" which turned out to be bleeding ulcers, which caused an infection and led to the first stages of a kidney infection. My doctor told me that I needed to chill the eff out because the cause was stress.
So I am chilling, or trying to rather. I have a new roomy fresh to LA. Mattye and I went to college together and she is in LA for the summer taking acting classes so it was kind of the perfect situation. I am still training once a week. I just booked another commercial, where get this... i speak spanish! and I am currently interning at my agency Daniel Hoff on fridays.
The chilling out process has begun though. So yeah... here I am. Keeping busy, but not too busy to deal.

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